I like the spiral staircase, well, ground floor is with nicer interior decor and comfortable than 1st floor. 這裡的旋轉樓梯很吸睛,整體設計是不錯的,只是樓上真的很悶熱。
The Double Deck Croque Monsieur, they say is one of their most popular breakfast item available all day! Waffles with egg, turkey ham and tomatoes。
Moo Moo burger! A juicy beef patty topped with fresh slaw, cheddar cheese, berries barbeque sauce sandwiched in between savoury waffles. The beef patty is too “loose”, is like once u cut or bite, it will dropping, but any way the presentation is good, and the sauce is appetizing. 這個賣相是不錯的,可惜就是那片牛肉餅異常鬆散,不夠扎實,所以吃的時候就讓人很不“爽”。
Melting Moments! Chocolate chip waffles, accompany with fried caramelized bananas, almond nibs and vanilla ice cream. i like the idea, fusion taste, although the waffles is not satisfied my taste bud, but overall taste not bad, worth a try. 我依然不喜歡鬆餅的質感,但我蠻喜歡那個炸香蕉,這個搭配整體是蠻搭的,值得一試。